Latest Notice: None at this time
Ogden City is replacing a critical 36-inch diameter water transmission pipeline that conveys water from the City’s wellfield adjacent to Pineview Reservoir, through Ogden Canyon, and to the City’s 23rd Street reservoirs. This pipeline has served Ogden City well for nearly 100 years and needs to be replaced. The project will be completed in multiple phases between 2025 and 2029. Ogden City has selected Sunrise Engineering as the design engineer for the project and Whitaker Construction as the CMGC contractor for the project. As design and planning of the project proceeds, additional outreach will take place with residents of Ogden Canyon who will be impacted by this project. Information regarding anticipated timing for construction of the phases of the project will be provided on this website. If you have specific questions regarding the project, please feel free to reach out to our public involvement team using the contact information on this website.
Can I expect water service interruptions?
As the watermain replacement traverses through the canyon, brief interruptions are possible. However, The Ogden Canyon is primarily served by a 24-inch water pipeline. This pipeline is part of the Ogden City water transmission network, which transports treated water to Ogden and surrounding areas through the canyon. The 36-inch pipeline typically serves larger trunkline purposes, carrying water to a broader distribution network or for other high-capacity needs outside of the canyon itself.
Will access to my property be restricted during construction?
Depending on the alignment of the pipeline and associated right of way, it may be necessary to limit the ability to enter at property access points. Please note that it is in our best interest to notify residents well in advance of such impacts. We will be actively coordinating with property owners and residents as the work progresses.
What are you doing to ensure crew, motorist and pedestrian safety in the construction zones.
For your safety, as well as the safety of crews working on the project, please use extra caution and stay clear of construction zones. In particular near areas with deep trenches during excavation. Businesses and residents in the area should anticipate increased noise, dust, and vibration associated with construction.
For pedestrian safety, please stay clear of construction equipment and work zones onsite. Pay attention to road closure signs and work areas zoned off by construction tape, barrels, cones or barricades. The pipeline will be replaced in sections, so as new pipeline is placed, excavated regions will be filled as quickly as possible.
Why is the 36 inch pipeline being replaced now?
This 6.4-mile-long pipeline carries drinking water from Ogden City's well field and treatment plant. When operating, the pipeline loses approximately 1 million gallons daily due to leaks. The project is expected to cost $100 million, funded through federal loans (via the EPA’s WIFIA program), state revolving loans, and other grants, including funding from the American Rescue Plan Act.
The replacement will address water losses, improve reliability, and contribute to water conservation efforts. For instance, the project is projected to save enough water over its lifetime to fill Pineview Reservoir three times. It also ties into ecological goals, such as providing additional water to the Great Salt Lake's Willard Spur to mitigate avian botulism outbreaks that harm local bird populations.
* Schedule is subject to change due to weather and materials available
Currently through July 2025 | All work will remain along SR-158 between Pineview Dam and the Port Ramp Marina. This will include occasional closures at Windsurfer Beach and Port Ramp Marina during construction.
Ogden Canyon Est. Start Date | Fall 2025 | Additional phases to take place in the canyon in 2026 / 2027. More details forthcoming...
Ogden City East Bench Start Date | TBA
Reservoir Crossing | TBA
Work Days | Monday-Friday
Work Hours | Mostly Daylight hours, with occasional nighttime work
Estimated Completion | Spring 2029